Explore our tailored British Curriculum, and how we made it effective to our children.
The aim of our provision of ELS is to help students to gain the skills needed to fully engage with mainstream classes. The ELS team are assigned to support in English classes from Year 1 and above, with at least 3 additional classes of support available, if needed, for each Homeroom.
Students entering Primary or Secondary are assessed for their level of English in oral language, reading and writing and formal additional support is provided at a cost to the parents if deemed necessary.
For students relatively new to, or have low-levels of, English understanding.
Primary Department (Year 1 to 6)
Secondary Department (Year 7 upwards)
This provision will take the form of individual support or in small groups of children of similar age and/or ability.
For students able to have some access to Literacy.
Primary Department (Year 1 to 6)
Secondary Department (Year 7 upwards)
This provision will take the form of individual support or in small groups of children of similar age and/or ability.
Charges are set for a full term in advance
As per our Student Admission Policy, for students who are assessed to need it, Yes.
It is vital that students are proficient in English if they are to succeed at Norwich. Therefore, it is a requirement that if a student is identified as needing ELS, they receive this support until they complete the programme.
For students currently attending Norwich, moving from Early Years to Primary, their English Language needs are at the end of Term 1A. If recommended for ELS support, an English Language assessment is administered by the Head of Primary or Head of ELS Support.
For students joining Norwich, an English Language assessment is administered by the Head of Primary or Head of Secondary or Head of ELS Support during the initial school entry assessments.
All ELS students are assessed at the end of every term. Those who pass their assessment move to the next level. Students who successfully pass the final level will graduate from the ELS programme into mainstream English lessons. For Primary students, the ELS department will consult with the Head of Primary for final approval and in Secondary, the ELS department will consult with the Head of Secondary.
Both of these additional provisions are extra on top of standard tuition, as such they are each charged separately.
Parents are charged for ELS provision at a rate determined by the Board of Governors. The rates are included in this document, which is updated annually.
The additional fees for ELS will be labelled as Additional Tuition Fee (ELS) on invoices
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