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Norwich Sports Academy (NSA)

Primary and Secondary students are able to participate in a coordinated programme of sport provision. Each term a number of sports will be offered every day after school, the timing being 3.00pm to 4.30pm.

Initially there will be a mixture of external coaches and Norwich staff. Our intention is to ensure that we provide top quality coaches for all of the sports which will represent the school.

To fund the Norwich Sports Academy, parents would pay a set amount for each term. This would allow their child to attend as many of the opportunities as they wish to each week. The total amount raised will fund the external coaches, equipment, travel to and from games or competitions and full playing kits for the students of the teams. A new kit for competitive teams would be designed and created for each calendar year.

Students entering Primary or Secondary are assessed for their level of English in oral language, reading and writing and formal additional support is provided at a cost to the parents if deemed necessary.

A Sample Schedule:

Year Description
Year 1 and Year 2
Ball Games
Football Skills
Year 3 to Year 6
Football Skills
Football (Girls) Basketball (Boys)
Football (Boys) Volleyball (Girls)
Football (Girls) Volleyball (Boys)
Football (Boys) Basketball (Girls)
Football with staff and parents

Once the new aquatic centre and gymnasium are available, we will look to include swimming, tennis and badminton into the Norwich Sports Academy provision.